Image cropping in Popcorn Maker

Posted in Uncategorized on September 18, 2013 by Scott

Image cropping has just landed in Popcorn Maker.

Previously, there was no way to get an image to fill the screen if its aspect ratio did not match, it was also impossible to only show part of an image.

Now, you can stretch, fill and crop images.

Step 1 is to add an image track event.


You’ll notice it fills its space, and adds white to either side to fill up the aspect ratio of the media.

Second step is to double click it. This enters you into edit mode, and in the case of an image track event, edit mode is cropping.


Then you can drag the image off to one side or the other. You’ll notice the parts that are being cropped are transparent.

Step 3. If you click off the image, you’ll exit cropping mode. This does the crop, and displays the image how the project viewer is going to see it. You can always double click on the image again to re enter crop mode, and find you didn’t lose any of the image. It is just hidden.


If you look close at the above image though, you see the white to the right of the photo.

Step 4. You can remove that white by dragging the right viewport handle to crop out the white. Seen below, there is no longer a green border. I probably should of centered it, but ah well, you get the idea.


Step 5: Yay, now we can copy it and place them side by side! More foxes!


Step 6 because why not, let’s preview it.


There you have it, image cropping in popcorn maker!

Also made a popcorn tutorial out of popcorn showing this:

Thoughts? Comment below, let me know.

OSD 1.0

Posted in open source, Uncategorized on April 22, 2012 by Scott

This release is primarily a fix for my test on 677122. It has been pretty rough trying to get this test to be stable. It has tendencies to intermittently go into what looks like it’s streaming.

My newest patch, attempts to solve this by waiting for the current event to be finished, before firing the next test by calling SimpleTest.executeSoon(next); instead of just next(); This puts a new event on the stack, that fires the intended function. The next event on the stack will not fire until the current one returns. This way, we can be sure things are done in a sane, debuggable manner. Even this doesn’t fix the problem, which it didn’t, it is still imo good to do.

With the way my test is written, the frequency of this streaming mode is about one out of ten. After much trial and error I was able to reduce the test to failing every time, and filed that 747584.

The reason streaming mode is such a problem is this. I am testing that a video document triggers a time change on a media fragment hash change. I have covered this pretty extensively up to now, and my fix is solid. So to test it, I setup an iframe, a load event on the iframe, get the video resource on there, and listen for a seek, pause, end etc. when the video loads, it seeks to the media fragment time, right at load. But, if we’re streaming, at load, the duration is pretty much at the beginning, and streams only have a duration up to where they have played, so a seek beyond the current duration is not possible.

This only happens inside a mochitest, and only if the iframe src is remote. Something to do with the http server mochitests use, or so I thought. I to notice streaming also comes from js errors. Again, mochitests only. Also, because it would sometimes stream without a js error, and always with a js error. I thought maybe there was a connection, so I looked over my code, trying to clean it. While I did this, I got some advice to also move the iframe into the html, and attach the load function to the iframe’s onload event. I would never of thought of this… I am so used to writing JavaScript with addEventListener, I overlooked adding it to the iframe.

Adding an onload event to the iframe, living in the html, seems to be the trick to get this in the zone. I have running it through the try server, trying to get it to fail. At this point, I am pretty skeptic that it’s fixed. I have done 3+ try pushes, so far so good, but I don’t want to rush. This is such a flaky, intermittent fail I want to be sure.

I also had another fail in my patch’s test. This one only happened once, but I believe I also reduced it to a test case that can happen all the time. I filed it as well.

This bug has taken me through all sorts of interesting code. Starting from the docshell, to the video/mediaDocument, through the mediaResource and iframe loading, and finally ending in the mochitest and related http server. I feel quite comfortable in the video/mediaDocument code. The rest is so so. I am also over bugzilla anxiety. Filing bugs there is quite easy now, and I don’t care so much if I make a mistake and look foolish, as I know people don’t judge as much as people think. It is always worse in your own head. Everyone has been here, and everyone is just trying to help. It can be overwhelming at first, and just takes time to get comfortable with it. It’s not just a learning curve, but also an psychological hurdle.

My experiences in this class have been much different than in the previous OSD. Both classes I was jumping into something new, but I felt the pjs parser clicked with me instantly. My sort of thing, this I have found to be a real challenge. Sometimes I was wishing I took and easy bug, or decided to stick with more pjs bugs, but then I would of learned nearly as much. I might not be an expert, but I have definitely opened up the Firefox code. I have the ability to change it, test it, run it, and make a patch. This is a valuable skill for anyone, in any field. Browsers are so powerful and important now a days, that if you can say you can make it do something else, I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t have at least one idea of what to add or change to it. That’s power. The automobile of my generation.

Reflecting on Firefox bug 677122

Posted in open source on April 10, 2012 by Scott

My patch for 677122 is in what I suspect is the final stage, about to land.

This is a bit of a summary of this bug’s history. Some personal reflecting for myself, to step back and look at it in a new way.

For starters I was shocked to see that I had 9 patches, 8 of which are obsolete. By looking at the patches you can see the evolution of the bug. I actually feel really good about it, looking at it like this.

First patch:

I attempted a short circuit load only if the media fragment hash tag does not exist, otherwise we reload the whole page. From my experience, a short circuit load is an attempt to be smart and only load some of the page, that is needed.

This would not of worked because it may break anchor tags, and would be a potential disaster because it potentially touches other cases unrelated to media fragments, like anchors. Also, it reloaded the whole page, which is not ideal.

Second patch:

Understand more of what I was doing, and was able to describe it with “Don’t do a short-circuited load on synthetic documents”.

This is an attempt to make the previous patch better. I would solve the anchor issue, and only touch code that is doing a short circuited load, and did a general cleanup, but it still reloaded the whole page.

Third patch:

Scrapped my old attempt, and went with inserting a script tag in the mediaDocument head, that would listen to hash changes.

The problem with this was I went about it wrong. When I listened for hashchange, I would check the start and end values in the hash, and update the video accordingly, which worked, but was not taking advantage of the original media fragment parser. I did it myself in JavaScirpt.

Fourth patch

I fixed the above by simply updating the src attribute to the new hash, on a hash change. This would take advantage of the current mediaFragment parser, and any additions or changes to it, and was super modular, or so I thought.

Cept for some review nits, it was almost perfect good.

Fifth patch

This one was just cleaning up the nits. I got burned on NS_ENSURE_TRUE returning true, when attempting to change the return type of the function to void, which was interesting. made sense once it was brought to my attention.

This was also the first to get a review plus. I wanted to get a test in though, to get the full knowledge. I am here to learn, after all.

Sixth patch

This one was adding a mochitest.

Seventh patch

Ha, this is just fixing up my patch header information. Adding an email and updating the commit message.

Eighth patch

This is probably the one where I learned the most about the process. I started a fire, got try server access, and put out the fire.

The fire was caused because I was doing this on mediaDocument.cpp, which is misleading, and not just audio and video, but also images and add-ons. videoDocument.cpp is actually video and audio, which is what I wanted, with video just being an extension to audio.

I moved my script injection off mediaDocument and onto videoDocument. Solved the fire.

Ninth patch

I updated my test, because I was getting random orange failures from try server from my own test. Now passes or fails reliably.

OSD 700 0.9

Posted in open source on April 9, 2012 by Scott

Almost finished!

This release is another patch for bug 677122, and a patch for pdf.js that uses fontready instead of firing a load event inside an iframe.

I thought I was finished 677122, but it turns out I was failing tests, so I had to go back.

I was inserting my hashchange script onto the head of the mediaDocument, but it turns out inside the c++ code a mediaDocument is images, addons, audio and video documents, and not just audio and video. Image documents do things in a slightly different order, so at the time I insert into the head, image documents don’t yet have a head. Crash. There were two ways to fix this. Either check for head, to be safe, or move this code off mediaDocument and on to videoDocument. It turns out videoDocument is also for audio, so that ended up being perfect!

I also noticed my own test would fail at times. It would only run one test, and fail it. Looked like ended was being fired with non of the other tests being hit. I added the ended test for this reason, as to get a fail, and not a timeout. I ran the test again on my machine, pass. So I decided to run it again, refresh, fail. It would fail consistently on every consecutive refresh. It would go into what looked like streaming mode, and not fire any of my events I listen for, until it ends, then it would fail. Looks like a bug to me, still not sure what yet. I cannot reproduce it outside of mochitests, so if it is a bug, it is not so simple. I thought maybe the refresh wasn’t doing a complete refresh, so I decided to make the iframe myself, instead of leaving it in the markup. So, I create my iframe with createElement and insert it. It passes, refresh, passes. Weird. Push it back to try, no more failures on my test.

The results of my final try have 6 orange failures. I am getting the impression that the ones left are OK, but we’ll see. Boris has been really fast with reviews up to this point, so I hope it won’t be an issue, as I want it landing for my 1.0.

My results from the pdf.js hacking are basically rewiring a load event on an iframe, sending a message to the parent via postmessage, that the fonts are ready.

Apparently @font-face triggers a load event when it is done, if it was defined statically, if it is defined later after the load event, obviously, won’t receive another load event. A way around this is to setup an iframe with the dynamic @font-face statically injected into a new iframe, which passes the load out into the parent.

So I just cut out all the iframe business, and replaced it with my fontready event. This will be fired for each and every consecutive @font-face load.

There is still the need to have to create an element that uses that @font-face before it’ll start the loading, so I had to leave the code to do that for now.

This is 2/3 things that I intended for this release. The other being passing an object into the fontready event, which, was more of a task than I guessed. Not something that can be done in a few days. I have a start, but that must wait for now.

Next release I’ll land 677122, remove the need for a @font-face to be used before it starts the load, and hopefully an update on a fontready object. I also intend to do a post on what I have learned about the quirks of @font-face, what should change, and why, and a post on everything I did this semester.

fontready event and pdf.js experiment

Posted in open source on April 5, 2012 by Scott

This is another blog post that I intend to write along side writing code, as opposed to doing it afterwards. This is my second time doing this, and I feel it has more of a narrative or story, than pure information. You get to read thoughts as they unfold, and something before I know what to do with them. I don’t feel this is better or worse than other blog posts, just different and I enjoy it from time to time.

The task at hand is to modify pdf.js to use my fontready patch. I am excited to see if I can decrease load time, but we’ll see. Another goal would be to reduce pdf.js’ code base. Also, this might be a good way for people to learn how to jump into a new project.

First thing: get their source. Easy enough. I went to their github pages page and found a simple git clone command, which I ran.

I explored their pdf.jd directory, and found it is quite similar to our own popcorn-maker directory. I opened a started reading, which basically told me put it on a webserver and run make to compile all the source into one pdf.js file. So, I moved it to my webserver directory, and opened the src directory.

For testing my changes, I am going to go here: http://localhost/pdf.js/web/viewer.html

It was at this point I decided to start this blog. So I next did a bit of time traveling.

I am going to be looking for anything to do with fonts. The fact that all the parts of the source are split might be helpful, if there is something clearly marked font.js.

Instead of finding a font.js, I found a fonts.js 😛 Perfect.

Now I think, it is probably best to do this in a branch.

>git branch fontready master
>git checkout fontready

Good to go.

Now to explore fonts.js. very first line of code is “var kMaxWaitForFontFace = 1000;” which looks extremely interesting to me. But, after searching for all instances of “kMaxWaitForFontFace” I was surprised to see it was not in this file. Odd. I scrolled down some more, and once I got past all the declarations, I came to a FontLoader object, that has an attribute called listeningForFontLoad initially set to false, and two functions, bind(fonts, callback) and prepareFontLoadEvent(rules, names, fonts). First thing I see in prepareFontLoadEvent is /** Hack begin */ and another comment explaining the nature of the hack, how no fontready event exists, and how “This code will be obsoleted by Mozilla bug 471915“. Happens to be why I am here. Safe to say I am in the right spot. This code is reading quite well.

prepareFontLoadEvent is primarily doing two things. It is creating an invisible div to use the new @font-face, this will trigger the download of the @font-face. The second piece is an iframe with all the css @font-faces attached to it, with an onload event, that uses post message to inform the parent the font is ready. Interesting, I was not aware onload waited until a statically defined @font-face is loaded. This is both good and bad. It can solve the need to wait for @font-face, but i can see it holding back a lot of other good stuff in the event that doesn’t need to be held back. It does not allow for dynamically inserted @font-face’s, and still requires the font to be used before the @font-face triggers loading. This may potentially stall a onload forever, if the page is only using the font inside canvas, and the developer is not aware of this quirk. It is quite valuable for me to know how others load this, I am very happy about this find. Anyway, the path of least resistance here is to slap in my fontready listener and just make that work. Go from there.

I first tried to simply replace the onload event in the iframe to my fontready, and refreshed http://localhost/pdf.js/web/viewer.html. As expected, nothing happened. I am not in my fontready build.

Turns out I had to re build, from clean, so it took a bit. Anyway, it ended up working, sort of. I also removed all the iframe stuff, and just rewired the post message listener to be a fontready instead, and removed some code. I have a patch for anyone that is curious. Remember, this is just an experimental demo, not something that can become real.

I most definitely removed code. Hard to say if it is faster, as I did my testing in a debug build.

I had to leave in the invisible div to initiate the loading of the @font-face. I think this is the next thing I am going to try my hand at removing. That, or pass in useful information through the fontready event, but not sure what that should look like yet.

OSD 0.8

Posted in open source on March 25, 2012 by Scott

The bulk of this release is my preliminary work on font a fontready event.

I initially wanted to have a test going for my my Firefox ticket (677122) but it turned out to be more of a learning curve than I expected, and not a test suite like the ones I was familiar with. I will have to push it to 0.9.

I did manage to accomplish all I set out to do in the short time I did it regarding fontready. It ended up being much much easier than 677122, but that might be due to the experience from 677122.

There is a Firefox ticket for fontready, but I really don’t think there is much more to say about it. Font ready is obviously a feature that is in demand, and I have no doubts it will eventually be in the browser, the question is a matter of how it will look. What I was attempting to solve is more to get my ideas out there, generate whatever interest I can, and help the people currently trying to get this attention. I feel demos and patches do that goal more justice than talking. This is only a start.

My first blog post on this was me figuring out when and how @font-face was loaded. I wrote this blog along side my exploring the code, so it is kinda like a narrative, which is fun. I ended up nailing down exactly the location in the code I needed. Went much more smooth than 677122 that’s for sure.

Second blog post was figuring out how to actually trigger the event “fontready”. This was also much easier than expected. I am going to have to go back to this, though, to get the event data in the callback to be something a little more meaningful, but this will require knowledge in what is meaningful to someone using this.

Third blog post was a demonstration of how it can be used to solf a real problem in using fonts in canvas.

There is interest on the chrome side of things, but not enough. There is also interest in making fonts load synchronously. While this solves the problem, and is better than nothing. What happens if a large font is needed? The developer needs more control over this. Fontready is still a much better solution, imo. I myself need to kick it into another level. This can be proven by googling fontready, and finding I am the one that comes up at the time of writing this.

My next release will be a pdf.js patch to use my fontready patch, fontready event data, and a test for 677122.

Follow through on my fontready patch

Posted in open source on March 14, 2012 by Scott

I recently created a patch for Firefox that allows one to listen to the ready state of fonts loaded via @font-face.

I have some examples on it.

First to get a more visual example, I will show images as to why this is useful and needed badly inside the browser.
This is an image of a div using some custom font, and a canvas drawing some text using the same font. As you can see above, the fonts are different. What is actually happening is there is a moment where the div is also incorrectly drawn, then when the font is loaded, it gets updated. This has been coined as
FOUT. The canvas never gets the update, or the FOUT, because it never knows to clear the canvas and redraw the text. One way around this is to constantly clear the canvas and redraw, and once the font it loaded, it will update, and bring along the FOUT with it. Also, you could setup an offscreen div, and measure text on it until it is not the same size as the default font, meaning your new font is most likely ready to go. Both solutions are hacks and suboptimal.

In my last post, I talk about my attempt to listen for font ready states. Given the same example above, this is now what I get on the first load:

As you can see, both fonts are the same. This is because I setup a listener for “fontready” and draw my canvas in there. This also gets rid of the FOUT. The event looks like this:

      var setupCanvas = function( e ) {
        var canvas = document.getElementById( "canvas" );
        var ctx = canvas.getContext( "2d" );

        ctx.font = "20pt dekar";
        ctx.strokeText("Hello World!", 50, 50);  
      document.addEventListener( "fontready", setupCanvas, false );

One annoyance I noticed with this is fontready and DOMContentLoaded may become a race condition if not carefully implemented, because the dom must be loaded before the canvas can be drawn to. Example of this is if the font is ready before the document, and thus the canvas is not ready, and the font loading is lost. There are ways around this, though, and is not a huge deal, just something that must be accounted for, and is quite common in web development. I solved this by creating the font inside my DOMContentLoaded event. Looked like this:

      document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function( e ) {
        var fileref=document.createElement("style");
        fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
        fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
        fileref.innerHTML = "@font-face { font-family: dekar; src: url('Dekar.otf'); } div { font-family: dekar; }";


      }, false );

This is just one way to ensure things happen in the desired order. I just create a style element and insert it after the dom is ready, and my fontready event has been created.

There is a Firefox ticket for this very feature, along with a beginning of a proposed spec for a font API. I have been looking these over, and will have an opinion compiled shortly.

Getting started with contributing to Processing.js or Popcorn.js

Posted in open source, video, webmademovies on March 14, 2012 by Scott

So, the first two open source projects I was involved in have a fairly similar work flow, and I decided to write down the steps to get started in these projects.

Both Processing and Popcorn have fairly good intro sites, and I would start there. Popcorn also have secondary site that is useful. Also might want to check out the original Processing. Those sites provide a general introduction on the projects, and not something I will be covering here.

Both projects have four primary things, an issue tracker, a source repository, revision control, and a developer community.

An issue tracker is where bugs and new features get tracked, assigned, and reviewed. Both projects use something called lighthouse as their issue tracker. These can be found here for popcorn and here for processing. Issues can be anything from whitespace fixes, to documentation changes to complete rewrites. The pages I liked are the recent activity pages. You may want to look under milestones to get a list of potential tickets.

A source repository is a place where the code is stored and updated. Both projects use github as their source repository. These can be found here for popcorn and here for processing. Those are our release repos, in that they only get updated once for each release. If you want the unreleased code, you have to get that from a separate repo. These can be found here for popcorn and here for processing. We call these development branches.

Both projects use git for revision control. It goes hand in hand with github, but I do feel like it is a different thing. Source repository is where the code is kept, and revision control are the tools that interact with it. This is how I like to think of it, as it helps me understand it the way I need to work with it. I might not be technically correct with the definitions, though. Kinda like how the alphabet is not actually a song, but a song helps to understand it.

Both projects use irc for their developer community. This is the place you can go to get real time help from the people that have the answers. Popcorn uses the channel #popcorn and processing #processing.js. These can be found on the server More information about connecting to irc can be found here or here.

Now that that is out of the way, you will want to create a github account if you don’t already have one, then fork one of the projects from their github page. You will probably want to fork one of the development repos.

From there, you will need to get that github repo onto your local machine. I used this post when I started this, and I recommend it to others.

Next step is to find a bug on one of the lighthouse pages. Maybe comment in the bug that you are interested in working on it, so others know not to work on it as well.

You will want to create a branch on your local git repo named after your bug number. So, if my bug is popcorn bug #927 I will want to create a branch called t927. We add the t because code commits can be shorthanded to numbers, and there may be collisions in branch names and commits. Always good practice to but a letter in it. You can do this by running this command:

git branch t927 develop
git checkout t927

What this does is created a branch named t927 that is based off the branch develop. Then, moves you over to that branch.

Next you can go about changing the code in your local git repo. Once done, you will want to run some git commands.

1. git status: this shows the files that have changed, that you may need to commit.

2. git add: this adds those files. If you notice running git status after a git add, things will of changed.

3. git commit: this commits those added files. Again, running git status after this, you should see even more changes. I like to run this command like this:

git commit -m “[#927] usefull message about what I did”

This will add a message to the commit, so future developers can see why certain lines were changed, and even track it back to the original lighthouse ticket.

4. git push: this pushes the changes into your forked github repo. An example of this command for when I do it is:

git push t927

This command takes the ssh url of my repo, and a name to name for the branch. After doing this, I could find my branch here: and my changes here:

From here you will want to take one of those two urls and drop it back intp the lighthouse ticket, as a comment, and change the status to peer-review-requested. Both projects have a two step review process. Peer-review and super-review. Once both reviews passed, the repo manager will pull your changes into develop, and then on release day, everything including your changes will be pulled into master.

I’ve got a working @font-face ready event in Firefox

Posted in open source on March 13, 2012 by Scott

So to continue on from my last post, I was able to get a loaded or ready event for @font-face.

I mentioned in my last post I found a good place to create an event, just did not know how to create an event. I looked around mxr, starting with domcontentloaded, trying to find something similar. It was actually much easier than I thought to setup a custom event inside the c++. All you need to do is call nsContentUtils::DispatchTrustedEvent, and pass in a object that you want the event on, the second parameter is similar to the first, but it needs to be casted (have not quite figured this one out yet), third is a NS_LITERAL_STRING(“nameofevent”), and the last two are two trues (also don’t know what yet). I needed to get access to the document as well, but that was easy too. Final diff looks like this:

diff --git a/layout/style/nsFontFaceLoader.cpp b/layout/style/nsFontFaceLoader.cpp
--- a/layout/style/nsFontFaceLoader.cpp
+++ b/layout/style/nsFontFaceLoader.cpp
@@ -247,16 +247,21 @@ nsFontFaceLoader::OnStreamComplete(nsISt
   // when new font loaded, need to reflow
   if (fontUpdate) {
     // Update layout for the presence of the new font.  Since this is
     // asynchronous, reflows will coalesce.
     LOG(("fontdownloader (%p) reflow\n", this));
+  nsIDocument* aDocument = ctx->Document();
+     nsContentUtils::DispatchTrustedEvent(aDocument, static_cast<nsIDocument*>(aDocument),
+                                        NS_LITERAL_STRING("fontready"),
+                                        true, true);
   mFontEntry->mLoadingState = gfxProxyFontEntry::NOT_LOADING;
   mFontSet = nsnull;

And using it on a page like this, you receive the console.log.

      @font-face {
        font-family: dekar;
        src: url('Dekar.otf');
      div {
        font-family: dekar;
      document.addEventListener( "fontready", function( e ) {
        console.log( "We be ready, captain!" );
      }, false );
      Hello world!

I was pleasantly surprised the event was so easy to create.

This is just some preliminary work, really. This week I hope to get some eyes on it.

Starting to create a @font-face loaded event in Firefox

Posted in open source on March 11, 2012 by Scott

I am about to sit down and work on the beginning on what may become a JavaScript font API.

I am going to try something new with this blog post, and write it along side whatever it is I am working on, instead of afterwards. In hopes things will be more fresh in my mind, and to document my thoughts and process as I do things.

With regards to the font API, I am going to start hacking on it, dive right in, and learn something from it. My initial goal will be to somehow create a loaded((meta)data) event for fonts. For now, I am more concerned in making this work, than making it right. Making it right can come later.

First thing I did was head over to mxr and search for “fontface”. I bounced around a bit on there until I found the file nsFontFaceLoader.cpp.

Next I needed to setup some breakpoints, and in order to do this I had to have a webpage that would initiat the code path I am looking for. I started by downloading a font that I could initiat with @font-face, then setup a little html page that looked like this:

@font-face {
	font-family: dekar;
	src: url('Dekar.otf');
div {
  font-family: dekar;
Hello world!

I put a break point on the line nsUserFontSet::StartLoad(gfxProxyFontEntry *aProxy, const gfxFontFaceSrc *aFontFaceSrc), and ran the page. My theory was confirmed and my breakpoint was fired right away. All this tells me is I am close to the code I care about. I have found the code that loads the font, but what I really care about is the code right after the font is done loading.

So, this Start Load function is on the nsUserFontSet, and inside it sets up a nsFontFaceLoader object. This object might be what I care about, the thing that is loading. So next thing I am going to do is check what options this object has. I found a few functions like cancel, that I am not really interested in, but I did find a OnStreamComplete, which looks pretty interesting.

So now I am going to add another breakpoint, and leave my old one. Make sure both fire, with the newsest one firing last. That is exactly what it did. Now, this does not mean it is what I want yet, but probably pretty close. I noticed that at this point, if I view the webpage, the font-face has still not displayed, while I sit on my breakpoint. This is a good sign that what I have, is what I need. So next I am going to put breakpoints all over this block, and find the exact moment where the font on the page updates. So, bad news, I went all the way through this function, and the font did not update. Maybe I have the wrong spot after all. It might be some caching nonsense going on, though.

I kept looking around this function, and found a call to UserFontSetUpdated that seems to be related to styling reloads, but, seems to be after the reload, so probably too late. If I look a bit north of that, I see a “userFontSet->OnLoadComplete”, so I will send this over to mxr and see what I find there. Found the file gfx/thebes/gfxUserFontSet.cpp, with the OnLoadComplete function. I am pretty sure this is what I will need.

Next, I need to figure out how the firefox event system works, and create a load event of sorts attached to something… and call the event inside the OnLoadComplete. Probably all for tonight.